Swatch全新New Gent Lacquered系列手表 The Swatch New Gent Lacquered collection
店內的裝潢巧妙地選用白色為空間主色調,猶如時裝天橋,讓Swatch 的腕表及首飾成為台上的主角,完全展現產品的色彩斑斕。White is the main tone of the Store, which resembles a runway where the watches and jewelry of Swatch take centre stage.
著名藝人馬賽小姐及陳豪先生示範全新New Gent Lacquered系列手表 Renowned actress Miss Sire Ma and actor Mr. Moses Chan showcased the New Gent Lacquered collection
馬賽小姐及陳豪先生參與Swatch參與“Pick Your Favorite Color”跨平台遊戲 Miss Sire Ma and Mr. Moses Chan took part in the cross-platform game “Pick Your Favorite Color”.
Mr. Kevin Rollenhagen為馬賽小姐戴上全新New Gent Lacquered系列手表 Mr. Kevin Rollenhagen presented Miss Sire Ma with a New Gent Lacquered Swatch
左起:Swatch Sales International副總裁Mr. Anthony Salvi、著名藝人馬賽小姐、Swatch Group(香港)總裁Mr. Kevin Rollenhagen、Swatch總裁Mrs. Arlette-Elsa Emch、著名藝人陳豪先生及Swatch(香港及澳門)副總裁Ms. Nancy Tse。
點選相片集可看到更多Swatch 旗艦店開幕典禮相片。